{"comments":{"461129":{"pb_id":"17340","pb_type":"members","likes":"0","parent_id":"0","pid":"461129","comment_id":"461129","member_id":"17340","comment":"It looks like its you like to lead Caitlin and it pays off. Your form has a dominating and commanding confidence look to it that probably puts fear in the other girls heads!, so to that I would say, keep doing what your doing!, but I'm sure that you know that in CIF you may have to put up with other runners who are used to doing the same thing! I just want to tell you to be aware of that and don't let it phase your domineering attitude and focus! You looked flawless in this race. Maintain that awesome attitude and focus and we will all be cheering you to a win at this years' State Meet! Congratulations!!","date_added":"Apr 29th 2012, 5:38am","nest":0,"liked":false,"member":[],"can_delete":false,"item_id":65836,"item_type":"video","pb_image":"\/\/www.runnerspace.com\/forum\/uploads\/av-17340.jpg","pb_title":"Hector Romero","pb_url":"profile.php?member_id=17340","pb_url_dns":"https:\/\/HR411.runnerspace.com\/","pb_wally_id":"363240"}},"last_id":"461129","url":"comments.php?item_type=video&item_id=65836&item_url=gprofile.php?mgroup_id=173"}